Heart Health
What’s Good for the Heart is Good for …
February inspires talk of the heart. That’s no surprise, since February is American Heart...
What All Women Should Do for a Healthier Heart
Did you know that a heart attack strikes someone in America every 34 seconds - and that...
Eggs: Are they good or bad for my cholesterol?
Q. Eggs: Are they good or bad for my cholesterol? A. from Thomas Behrenbeck, M.D., Ph.D....
4 Common Myths About a Healthy Heart—Debunked
When you think about it, our heart is pretty darn amazing. This one little fist-shaped muscle...
Laugh More, Live More: Your Heart Will Thank You
There are plenty of “rules” for healthy living that we’ve all heard about: eat...
6 Surprising Heart-Healthy Foods
You want a healthier heart, and you’re making changes to your diet to support one of your...
Many people finger dietary fat as the culprit for clogged arteries that cause heart attack and...
Omega-3 in fish: How eating fish helps your heart
If you're worried about heart disease, eating one to two servings of fish a week could...
Butter vs. margarine: Which is better for my heart?
Margarine usually tops butter when it comes to heart health. Margarine is made from vegetable...
Heart disease prevention: Strategies to help protect your heart
Heart disease may be a leading cause of death, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it...
Low-impact workouts have gotten a bad rap: many people think that low-impact means no real...
Guys: 5 Changes for Better Health
Sure, you know you probably should get healthier but the very thought of doing so can be...
While good nutrition is an essential part of healthful living, physical activity is also...
The Benefits of Omega-3 Supplements
Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in maintaining cell integrity throughout the body.* Omega-3...
Q. What's a normal resting heart rate? A. For an adult, a normal resting heart rate...
8 Things All Women Should Do for a Healthier Heart
Did you know that a heart attack strikes someone in America every 34 seconds—and that many of...

Plant Sterols Lower Cholesterol Levels
Phytosterols are clinically proven to help lower cholesterol levels. Recommended Dietary...

Lycopene for Heart Health
Lycopene has been linked to cardiovascular benefits and promoting healthy cholesterol levels...

Foods for A Healthy Heart
A good place to start living a healthier lifestyle is to examine and modify what you eat....
Trail running, triathlons, and mountain biking: Oh my! To wake up your fitness routine, get out...